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Jun 12, 2014 rated it liked it

This book actually bugged the crap out of me in a lot of ways. Which is disappointing, because I liked the first book a lot.

Firstly, aren't these people adults? They were in the first book. Angela was a sheltered adult, but she was still an adult. In this book she - and Connor - both had the emotional maturity of the cast of Twilight. There's a certain level of naivety that's okay in a romance, but they have to not feel like they have the emotional experience of a 15 year old. Angela wa


This book actually bugged the crap out of me in a lot of ways. Which is disappointing, because I liked the first book a lot.

Firstly, aren't these people adults? They were in the first book. Angela was a sheltered adult, but she was still an adult. In this book she - and Connor - both had the emotional maturity of the cast of Twilight. There's a certain level of naivety that's okay in a romance, but they have to not feel like they have the emotional experience of a 15 year old. Angela was practically doodling their initials on her notebook with hearts around it. (No, she didn't really do that, but that was about the quality of her internal monologue.)

Hand in hand with point 1, I felt that reactions to situations were overblown and overly melodramatic, utterly not realistic. I felt this way about a lot of situations. Connor's behavior at the end was certainly one major place, but Angela behaved that way throughout. Let's break down the progression, shall we?

They assaulted her family, kidnapped her, and put her in a cage. Yes, it was a lovely apartment to be caged in, and they were nice to her in her cage (well, not Damon, but whatever), but it was still a cage. She couldn't leave.

Despite this, within 3 days she was sleeping with one of the kidnappers. Within 4 days she was nervously attending a potluck at the head asshole's house. Are you fucking kidding me? I can forgive part of this - the prima/consort bond has been presented to us as overpowering, and so maybe it was always going to be the case that after a couple days locked up with her consort, she'd sleep with him. But there was no reluctance, really. Token resistance on day 1, maybe. Then she chats with her gf, who gives her the sage advice of "jump his bones!" and she decides fuck it, I'm going to.

Now, I want to first make sure everyone understands that this is a huge betrayal of the family that loves her. Yeah, they sheltered her a bit, but she's been adored by them for always. And everyone's understanding is that a prima needs to bond with her consort on family land or the family's power is seriously damaged. So she giggles and goes for it - like a hormonal teenager - with no care about her responsibilities or the consequences. That seriously damaged Angela's character for me. However things do or don't work out, the fact is that she doesn't care. She's going to do what she feels like, when she feels like it, because you guys aren't the boss of me! It is childish, a betrayal, and not something I would have expected of her character in book 1. And as I said, I don't care if it turns out (that's not a spoiler btw, we don't know how it is going to turn out) to not really work that way. The fact is, she (and they all) thought it did, and she didn't care.

She decides her family must just accept her bonding with the rival clan member, whatever the history. And let's be clear, the rival clan (the Wilcox family) have a horrid history, and we've heard a lot about it. And also, you know, that's not just HISTORY. The leader of their clan - with a complicit group of witches from the clan - kidnapped her, with the intention of forcing her to bond (i.e., raping her - in this series, the bond is formed through sex) with their clan. So it isn't like, hey guys, they were bad, sure, but that was generations ago. They deserve a chance to prove that they've changed. Let's give over this old feud. Because clearly they haven't changed. They tried to kidnap other women in her family for this forced bonding, and they succeeded in kidnapping her. They are legitimately bad guys. Right now.

And maybe Connor isn't so bad (maybe... but she's known him for 4 days, so I wouldn't trust her judgement on it), but she doesn't give her family ANY time. Because they can't immediately deal with this changed situation - the head of their clan being bonded to the enemy clan (after being kidnapped - frankly, I'd wonder if she had her free will fucked with, given that she showed up less than a week after being kidnapped and was happily bonded to an enemy, and insisting everyone accept that their love is real, dammit!), she decides they are horrible and mean, and flees back to enemy territory.


And it honestly just goes downhill from there. Connor is, I think, a dick. I'm hoping that the last book will actually feature a new hero coming in out of left field, with Connor being the villain. Because I'm sorry, he treats Angela like a doormat. He has no respect for her powers or intuition (hello, prima??) and his reaction to the events at the end of the book are so ludicrous that I actually LAUGHED.

No joke, I laughed.

He's like the king of denial. He seems to be as awful as the more villainous people in his family, but without their brains.

Anyway. Really really disappointed. Disappointed that Angela turned into this nasty, irresponsible airhead, and Connor became a joke.


Jan 10, 2017 rated it did not like it
So Angela was kidnapped by the Wilcox clan originally to be bound to their jerk leader Damon but ends up bound to his brother Connor. Who just so happens to be the guy Chris that she met a few times and has a serious crush on, but turns out he was lying to and manipulating her that whole time....oh and he is her consort that she has been dreaming of and he didn't think any of the actions he took were really so bad. So Angela is being held prisoner in Connor's apartment and instead of doing every So Angela was kidnapped by the Wilcox clan originally to be bound to their jerk leader Damon but ends up bound to his brother Connor. Who just so happens to be the guy Chris that she met a few times and has a serious crush on, but turns out he was lying to and manipulating her that whole time....oh and he is her consort that she has been dreaming of and he didn't think any of the actions he took were really so bad. So Angela is being held prisoner in Connor's apartment and instead of doing everything she can to get out, she decides it better to play house with him....because....I don't know. I gave up on this book when Angela apologized to Connor for sending an email to let her family know where she was because it got him into trouble. I'm not sure what happened to the Angela from the first book but this version of her who is totally cool with being kidnapped, bound against her will and then literally held prisoner is not someone I can get behind as a heroine. ...more
Christian Nikitas
So, not a fan of all the details of the early sexual encounters, but that's just me. The story is really good and I was saddened by the ending. I could almost feel the pain. I know In the next book things have to turn around. So, not a fan of all the details of the early sexual encounters, but that's just me. The story is really good and I was saddened by the ending. I could almost feel the pain. I know In the next book things have to turn around. ...more
WOW!!! I didn't expect that ending. I won't ruin it for you with spoilers but I just finished the book and I, truly, didn't expect that to happen. As soon as I am done with this review, I will be reading the next book, Darkmoon.

The book, Darknight, starts straight from the previous book, Darkangel, left off. So, you need to read the first to know what is going on, there is no, long boring, rehash here.
The main character, Angela, has grown into a beautifully shaped protagonist, in that you feel l

WOW!!! I didn't expect that ending. I won't ruin it for you with spoilers but I just finished the book and I, truly, didn't expect that to happen. As soon as I am done with this review, I will be reading the next book, Darkmoon.

The book, Darknight, starts straight from the previous book, Darkangel, left off. So, you need to read the first to know what is going on, there is no, long boring, rehash here.
The main character, Angela, has grown into a beautifully shaped protagonist, in that you feel like you know her. Other characters, new and old, were built just as well. The storyline is a nice mix of suspense and building relationships. Towards the end, came a twist that made me think the story was going one way but I was wrong, that is just a sign of great writing, keep them guessing.
As, this is the second of the trilogy, there was quite the cliffhanger. I'm almost done with this review, then I'm reading the next book, just released, Darkmoon.

I have to say, I was given this book free, for a review, by the author ( I would have brought it, based on the first book, Darkangel, and how much I enjoyed that.)

I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys good read.

Oct 20, 2017 rated it did not like it
I couldn't do this. It reminded me too much of Twilight for some reason and it is not REALLY a series about magic?? and the first 25% of the book is eat, wait, eat, wait, eat, wait, drink, SEX, then eat, sex, drink, sex, eat, sleep, sex, sex, sex.....

bleh. what a waste of potential.

I couldn't do this. It reminded me too much of Twilight for some reason and it is not REALLY a series about magic?? and the first 25% of the book is eat, wait, eat, wait, eat, wait, drink, SEX, then eat, sex, drink, sex, eat, sleep, sex, sex, sex.....

bleh. what a waste of potential.

Melissa Levine
Oct 07, 2015 rated it did not like it
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. EDIT 2019. I just got a like for my review. Re-reading it, I don't remember this story. The *** below is referring to specific characters that I obviously forgot to go back and put their names in. Of course, I have no clue who said what.

I seriously tried to get through this story, I made it halfway and that was over a two-month timeframe because I kept putting it off. I honestly am not sure why I even bothered to BUY this story after reading the first boring one. They're magical people, yet hav

EDIT 2019. I just got a like for my review. Re-reading it, I don't remember this story. The *** below is referring to specific characters that I obviously forgot to go back and put their names in. Of course, I have no clue who said what.

I seriously tried to get through this story, I made it halfway and that was over a two-month timeframe because I kept putting it off. I honestly am not sure why I even bothered to BUY this story after reading the first boring one. They're magical people, yet have no real magic. Nothing was ever really going on and blah, blah, blah...


Why did I actually buy the second book in this series? I mean I wasn't really a fan of the first one. Must have been having a major brain fart or something. I don't even know how long it took me to get through this book; I was putting it aside so I could work on my college work, watch tv, and play yahtzee. haha

Why did Connor have random sites like google.com bookmarked?

So she's going through the bag of stuff that *** had for her. Why in the world would they have gotten a leave-in spray for "beachy waves"?

*** is wondering why Damon hadn't tried something more forceful with her at the family gathering, "he wouldn't do something that might risk intervention by the 'civilian' authorities." Um... isn't this a Wilcox gathering?

The ghost tells **** that Connor was always having girls coming over, yet, when the ghost says it's been several months since the last girl, why does *** comment "maybe Connor wasn't a total man-whore"? What is a man-whore in her definition?

Connor asked *** if she talks to dead people? Her response? "I communicate with earthbound spirits, if that's what you mean by ghosts." Seriously?

I still can't figure out why Angela never bothered to send her aunt a real email, saying what all was going on, make it less of a shock when she went back home. And god forbid, her family and friends would be worrying about her. Very inconsiderate. Or her getting upset that her best friend has been trying to video chat her.. "You'd think she'd have the sense to wait until I got back to her". Yes, because she's been so forthcoming with everything going on.

"His clan and mine had been enemies for generations." Generations = hundreds of years. They'd only been enemies for what? Sixty to seventy years, maybe? Big difference there.

Connor said he didnt' want to kiss *** on her hand because he was scared that her elders would know he was there. So why didn't he do it when they were on land that belonged to neither of them?

Someone asks how warlocks know so much about x-mas. Connor's response was, they would know about it if they grew up with it. How did he grow up with it if they stopped celebrating when he was three?

I never understand why stories have to focus around the special girl having to remain a virgin, yet, the special guy can go out and f#ck as many females as he wants. It makes no sense.

How can a guy with short hair have "heavy locks?"

Why was losing the whole virginity thing not as big of a deal as what you'd (I) expect? I mean she's going on about being a virgin and whatnot and it's like they have sex and that's it.

So it made her skin crawl to know Damon had been thinking of her in that way when she was underage? Seriously? Pretty sure it was nothing really sexually related that he was thinking. I mean his family was all about stealing a Prima to gain more power, not to have a permanent f#ck buddy.

When Angela and Connor are talking about his family line and how he's a part of Jeremiah's line, he said something about "After Jeremiah - he did have family who came with him, three brothers and a sister, and their children - all of the Primuses were only children. Until now... until me." What the heck does that even mean? None of the male kids have ever grown up besides Connor? No, what about his cousins and Damon? It makes no sense. Then later Angela says, "Maybe the curse doesn't apply to you. After all, you're of Jeremiah's line." Again huh? If he's of the same line than more than likely the curse will affect him. Was the author suddenly taking something she shouldn't have been?

Merlin's Cove
Feb 03, 2018 rated it did not like it
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. AWFUL, AWFUL,AWFUL BOOK! The thought of young women reading this tripe leaves me in despair....but not as much as reading some reviews that LOVES it?!?! Really??? The heroine is kidnapped and threatened with rape, yet instead of fighting with everything she has to get away she shrugs and plays mummies and daddies with Brother Douche?! Get in touch with the police you pathetic excuse for a woman!!!!!!

It makes me weep that my fellow women swoon over crap like this still....haven't we got passed th

AWFUL, AWFUL,AWFUL BOOK! The thought of young women reading this tripe leaves me in despair....but not as much as reading some reviews that LOVES it?!?! Really??? The heroine is kidnapped and threatened with rape, yet instead of fighting with everything she has to get away she shrugs and plays mummies and daddies with Brother Douche?! Get in touch with the police you pathetic excuse for a woman!!!!!!

It makes me weep that my fellow women swoon over crap like this still....haven't we got passed this yet?!

I shan't continue with this series, the ending was predictable - it's been done before so many times. I shan't continue with this series, the ending was predictable - it's been done before so many times. ...more
May 26, 2020 rated it did not like it
DNF- So so goddamn boring.

P.S. What an effing traitor.

Oct 22, 2016 rated it did not like it
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Seriously?!? Your heroine gets kidnapped, threatened with rape by the "hero's" brother, gets locked up in a cage ... and instead of contacting the police and calling them to your current location, which you can probably google map as you have access to a computer, you make the decision as an author to have the heroine be like"I know what I should do... bake my captors cookies, or better yet tamales to apllogies for any perceived slight my family has given the evil, attempted rapist of generation Seriously?!? Your heroine gets kidnapped, threatened with rape by the "hero's" brother, gets locked up in a cage ... and instead of contacting the police and calling them to your current location, which you can probably google map as you have access to a computer, you make the decision as an author to have the heroine be like"I know what I should do... bake my captors cookies, or better yet tamales to apllogies for any perceived slight my family has given the evil, attempted rapist of generations past"...... WOW.

It's been a while since a book has made me this angry.... my teeth do not thank you

Feb 26, 2018 rated it did not like it
The romance escalated WAY too fast... Whatever happened to whole thing about consummated the relationship in her territory?? She figuratively screwed her clan because she literally wanted to be screwed. Just not a fan of the MC or the love interest. Both are dull.
Beth Oliver
Mar 08, 2018 rated it really liked it
Starts off right where the first book ends and gets right in to the story.
Kidnapped by the enemy clan, Angela, Prima of the McAllister clan, is going to be forced to bond with the their Primus.
But that does not go as plan for them, Angela finds her consort in the primus ' brother. The man she has been dreaming about since she was sixteen.

Lots of relationship building and clan resistance and that Cliffhanger people!!!!!!!!!
Uggghh!! Have me the feels.

Starts off right where the first book ends and gets right in to the story.
Kidnapped by the enemy clan, Angela, Prima of the McAllister clan, is going to be forced to bond with the their Primus.
But that does not go as plan for them, Angela finds her consort in the primus ' brother. The man she has been dreaming about since she was sixteen.

Lots of relationship building and clan resistance and that Cliffhanger people!!!!!!!!!
Uggghh!! Have me the feels.

Feb 25, 2018 rated it it was amazing
Really 4.5 stars.

"Darknight" is book two of "The Witches of Cleopatra Hill." If you want to read "Darknight," you will also need the other two books in the series, "Darkangel," (Book 1) and "Darkmoon," (Book 3), and you should read them all because together, they make one pretty darned good novel.

Right now, you can get them all in one Kindle bundle for free.

I read 3/4 of the first book, "Darkangel," without even putting it down. Then a few days later I did the same thing with this book, "Dark

Really 4.5 stars.

"Darknight" is book two of "The Witches of Cleopatra Hill." If you want to read "Darknight," you will also need the other two books in the series, "Darkangel," (Book 1) and "Darkmoon," (Book 3), and you should read them all because together, they make one pretty darned good novel.

Right now, you can get them all in one Kindle bundle for free.

I read 3/4 of the first book, "Darkangel," without even putting it down. Then a few days later I did the same thing with this book, "Darknight." Getting sucked into a story is my criterion for a 5 star book, so this book wins.

The main character, Angela McCallister, is a young adult witch destined to head her witch family group of about 200 individuals. She has been protected for her whole life in the tiny, McAllister-contolled town of Jerome, Arizona (and its environs) because of a inchoate threat from another witch family. In this second book, we learn more about the other witch family. I will not say more for fear of spoilers.

As with "Darkangel," the world building is excellent and the main characters well-drawn. The bad guy is kind of a cardboard cutout in this book, but it does not detract too much.

My major problem with "Darknight" (and I know, I gave it 5 stars) is there's too much of Angela's internal dialogue. As I said in my review of "Darkangel," if some of the repetitive inner dialogue were removed and the books squished together, the three books would have been one of my favorite novels ever.

Just be aware that you will have to read all three in order to get the HEA.

Sandy Jones
Jul 31, 2020 rated it really liked it
I'm ambivalent about this book. It's sort of a retelling of Romeo and Juliette, which to say the least is not one of my favorite tales. It is portrayed as this epic romantic tragedy, but it never felt like love to me. More like obsession or maybe ... I'm not sure, lust? Anyway even in the first book the seeking of the perfect mate, who though a complete stranger would unlock a passion and deep power within seemed foreign and brushed against my modern feminist worldview. It's not that I don't bel I'm ambivalent about this book. It's sort of a retelling of Romeo and Juliette, which to say the least is not one of my favorite tales. It is portrayed as this epic romantic tragedy, but it never felt like love to me. More like obsession or maybe ... I'm not sure, lust? Anyway even in the first book the seeking of the perfect mate, who though a complete stranger would unlock a passion and deep power within seemed foreign and brushed against my modern feminist worldview. It's not that I don't believe in love or deep emotional connection, but needing someone else (this one perfect person) to complete you or to enable you to become yourself? I'm just not sure I buy it. Honestly Angela's almost immediate dependence upon the man who was complicit in her kidnapping and more than complicit in ensuring she remain locked up seemed more than strange, it seemed wrong. The "wolf" attacks seemed not at all mysterious as it was immediately obvious who was behind them. The only part of this story that rung completely true to me was the anger and resentment Connor felt after the violent confrontation with Damon. His kicking Angela out felt like what a real person in this horrible situation might actually do. Now this is not to say that I didn't find the book entertaining, because I did. And the fact that it ended on a sort of cliffhanger pretty much ensures that I will read at least one more book in this series. ...more
Feb 07, 2018 rated it liked it
For those with the pet peeve: This book ends on a huge cliff-hanger. Luckily, I'm reading the omnibus that has the first three books in the series, or this would have annoyed me. I like the consort better now (I was rather annoyed with him in the first book), mainly due to having a better understanding of his family dynamic. Eventually, the two are going to have to figure out mundane logistics, like where they're going to live. So of course they keep putting off the conversation, still walking o For those with the pet peeve: This book ends on a huge cliff-hanger. Luckily, I'm reading the omnibus that has the first three books in the series, or this would have annoyed me. I like the consort better now (I was rather annoyed with him in the first book), mainly due to having a better understanding of his family dynamic. Eventually, the two are going to have to figure out mundane logistics, like where they're going to live. So of course they keep putting off the conversation, still walking on eggshells around each other (not exactly great for a healthy relationship). And her clan has been keeping just about everything from her (not exactly great for a successful prima). But the book is still entertaining, it has it's own mystery and moments of levity, though those are a bit rare - it's still a little heavy on the angst for me (or maybe I've gotten too used to the sarcastic wit of older heroines). Onto the third one! ...more
Sandra Lyamuya
This book was actually better for me than the first.
I won't say much other than I like how Connor was portrayed in this book, not some evil warlock like his brother but just an innocent guy who was forced to take Angel in by his brother and forced to make her his. He didn't do that though, instead he simply allowed for time to pass between them and let fate take its course.
Angela, I felt sad for her that her clan refused to see Connor as her consort, while Cornor's clan were more than happy an
This book was actually better for me than the first.
I won't say much other than I like how Connor was portrayed in this book, not some evil warlock like his brother but just an innocent guy who was forced to take Angel in by his brother and forced to make her his. He didn't do that though, instead he simply allowed for time to pass between them and let fate take its course.
Angela, I felt sad for her that her clan refused to see Connor as her consort, while Cornor's clan were more than happy and very friendly on having her on their side. Still thanks to Sydney and her boyfriend Anthony, Angela didn't feel totally down turned by her family and friends.

The ending was 🙁 but I love a book that keeps me curious😲 rather than the one that make me predict things on my own 😞.

For anyone who hasn't read it yet, I suggest you get your copy, read it then judge it for yourself.

Jun 18, 2017 rated it really liked it
Great job at writing the second book in this series. Once I started reading, it was difficult to put down. Christine Pope has a gift for creating cliff-hangers into her next book of the series.

I want to point out that the first book would have been interesting from the Young Adult and older, but in getting to the second, Darknight, it has hit an R rating with explicit sexual content. Although these parts are well written and not to the point of eroticism, readers should definitely be in the adu

Great job at writing the second book in this series. Once I started reading, it was difficult to put down. Christine Pope has a gift for creating cliff-hangers into her next book of the series.

I want to point out that the first book would have been interesting from the Young Adult and older, but in getting to the second, Darknight, it has hit an R rating with explicit sexual content. Although these parts are well written and not to the point of eroticism, readers should definitely be in the adult group.

I am looking forward to starting the next book, Darkmoon, which will be after writing this review.

If you enjoy light-hearted books about the supernatural, witches and warlocks - you will definitely enjoy these.

Jan 15, 2019 rated it liked it
Dark night
I'm 35% in and cannot understand why Angela felt that downloading an e-reader app felt too invasive. She has been kidnapped for F$$ks sake! Getting annoyed now and this series started off so well
Then she offered to cook and felt sorry for him because he would have to shop, again I felt the need to remind her that he is holding her captive and his brother would have raped her if he thought it would benefit him. Am I wrong to want to knock some sense into the heroine. Although she is not
Dark night
I'm 35% in and cannot understand why Angela felt that downloading an e-reader app felt too invasive. She has been kidnapped for F$$ks sake! Getting annoyed now and this series started off so well
Then she offered to cook and felt sorry for him because he would have to shop, again I felt the need to remind her that he is holding her captive and his brother would have raped her if he thought it would benefit him. Am I wrong to want to knock some sense into the heroine. Although she is not feeling like much of a heroine at this point. I will press on, wish me luck.

Ok I persevered and came out the other end, still felt that Angela behaves like a teenager but ended up thinking Connor was even worse. Will read third book cos I really hope they redeem themselves.

Mariê Monção
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Disappointing really.

I was so happy to see a female character that didn't keep unnecessary secrets from her family, understood her powers and obligations, kept her rationality during emotional moments... and then Angela found her consort and all the maturity she had vanished.

It is somewhat understandable that she is not trying to escape but seriously, she had a laptop available at all times and she didn't want to "bother" her family with news that she was okay? The family that had her escorted

Disappointing really.

I was so happy to see a female character that didn't keep unnecessary secrets from her family, understood her powers and obligations, kept her rationality during emotional moments... and then Angela found her consort and all the maturity she had vanished.

It is somewhat understandable that she is not trying to escape but seriously, she had a laptop available at all times and she didn't want to "bother" her family with news that she was okay? The family that had her escorted at all times and she thought they would be too busy with the festivities? That makes no sense.

Debi Donnelly
Unexpected twist in predictable plot

I like Angela and felt that her introduction to her chosen one was poorly orchestrated. Spoiler. I felt there should have been a more believable way to pull this off. Then, it seems that Connor turns out to be nice but unable to hack it. I am interested but cautious with the next book. I like most characters and hope it turns out interesting enough to read on. Still interesting and worth the read...

May 08, 2020 rated it really liked it
Book two of a trilogy. Things started out dark, got better, then took a turn for the worse. That's the formula for a second book. I expect it will all work out and there will be a HEA in book three. I like that Angela is standing up for herself more, and helping Connor's confidence as well.
I though it funny that TNG (The Next Generation) was called "that old Star Trek show." To me it will always be the new show.
Book two of a trilogy. Things started out dark, got better, then took a turn for the worse. That's the formula for a second book. I expect it will all work out and there will be a HEA in book three. I like that Angela is standing up for herself more, and helping Connor's confidence as well.
I though it funny that TNG (The Next Generation) was called "that old Star Trek show." To me it will always be the new show.
Pearl Powell

I read Book 1 and curiosity got the best of me. Bought Book 2 and man was I disappointed! I was bored stiff by the 50% mark, but again curiosity got the best of me. The excerpt from Book 3 is good so I'll definitely be reading it. I
Tip: If this series interests you, read it, but just know that Book 2 sucks.
Wish me luck!!


I read Book 1 and curiosity got the best of me. Bought Book 2 and man was I disappointed! I was bored stiff by the 50% mark, but again curiosity got the best of me. The excerpt from Book 3 is good so I'll definitely be reading it. I
Tip: If this series interests you, read it, but just know that Book 2 sucks.
Wish me luck!!

Susan Elizabetha
A great story of modern day witches and warlocks, their clans and territories. A modern paranormal love story of a Angie McAllister and Conner Wilcox, a longstanding feud between their families and a curse that must be broken. But first of all, how do Angie and Conner get their families to accept one another.
Jan 04, 2018 rated it it was ok
She did it again to me. Nothing really happens until the end. And then it just... ends. I really didn't feel the "love" between Conner and her. Even the sex seemed blasé. She has something in her writing that makes me interested in the nothing, but I just can't see continuing with this series. I tried. I really wanted to like it. ☹️
Like the first book, this one is very low key. Not a lot of action or drama, really. And like book #1, most of the action is regulated to the last 1-2 chapters. I will be reading #3 so I can complete the story, but I'm not especially excited about it. I am hoping the other books of the series, which are standalone (not trilogies) will be better - more action, tighter plot, etc. Like the first book, this one is very low key. Not a lot of action or drama, really. And like book #1, most of the action is regulated to the last 1-2 chapters. I will be reading #3 so I can complete the story, but I'm not especially excited about it. I am hoping the other books of the series, which are standalone (not trilogies) will be better - more action, tighter plot, etc. ...more
Mar 26, 2018 rated it it was ok
I wanted to enjoy this but Angela has some serious issues. She was kidnapped by one brother (Damon) and given to another (Connor)...who keeps her locked inside his apartment until they have sex. Yet she doesn't consider him to be holding her hostage, and its like, not his fault. What?! If you can overlook that nonsense, its an okay book. I wanted to enjoy this but Angela has some serious issues. She was kidnapped by one brother (Damon) and given to another (Connor)...who keeps her locked inside his apartment until they have sex. Yet she doesn't consider him to be holding her hostage, and its like, not his fault. What?! If you can overlook that nonsense, its an okay book. ...more
Asteria Hecate
I have mixed feelings about this book. The first half of the book felt like filler - like nothing was happening, and I'll be honest, it did get quite boring. But it picked up the pace near the ending, and I was really amazed at the last part. The book is well-written towards the ending, but the first half? Not so much. I have mixed feelings about this book. The first half of the book felt like filler - like nothing was happening, and I'll be honest, it did get quite boring. But it picked up the pace near the ending, and I was really amazed at the last part. The book is well-written towards the ending, but the first half? Not so much. ...more
Windy Blevins-tolliver

Bewitching tale of Romeo and Juliet standards... in modern times with a paranormal twist...

A love interest... a foe in family clothes... the busibody family member... a werewolf and a ghost thrown onto the mix... a page turner for sure


First book in the series left you hanging and this book does the same. Possibly the next book will actually have an end but I will not be reading it, I really dislike the dishonesty of books that leave you hanging.

Jeanie's Kindle
Red hot, icy cold

Emotions in this novel run from the red hot passion of new lovers to the icy reproach of a scorned lover
The joy of getting to know each other and learning a new city and family, making new friends. Going tragically wrong..

A native of Southern California, Christine Pope has been writing stories ever since she commandeered her family's Smith-Corona typewriter back in the sixth grade. Many reams of dead trees later, she's happy to announce that her debut novel, Fringe Benefits,was published by Pink Petal Books on April 8, 2010. Her short fiction has appeared in Astonishing Adventures, Luna Station Quarterly, and the n A native of Southern California, Christine Pope has been writing stories ever since she commandeered her family's Smith-Corona typewriter back in the sixth grade. Many reams of dead trees later, she's happy to announce that her debut novel, Fringe Benefits,was published by Pink Petal Books on April 8, 2010. Her short fiction has appeared in Astonishing Adventures, Luna Station Quarterly, and the new journal of dark fiction, Dark Valentine. Her paranormal novella, Playing With Fire, was released on August 5, 2010.

While Fringe Benefits is a straight contemporary romance, she writes in a variety of genres, including paranormal romance, fantasy, horror, science fiction, and historical romance. She blames this on being easily distracted by bright, shiny objects, which could also account for the size of her shoe collection.

After spending many years in the magazine publishing industry, she now works as a freelance editor in addition to writing fiction. She lives with her husband and an explosively fluffy Pomeranian mix. Her house is pink, but don't hold that against her.


Other books in the series

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